Career Clarity Coaching

What Is Career Clarity Coaching?

Career Change With Ease - Career Clarity Coaching SessionIn today’s complex business world, there are a myriad of possible career paths. What can be a wonderful “career buffet” for some might be confusing for others. And even the most focused managers and executives can lose focus from time to time. Especially when it’s about something so near and dear, like their own career.

Know that distraction, confusion and indecisiveness are always temporary and that there is always a way out. Career Change With Ease has developed a specific Career Clarity Coaching session with the sole aim of getting you back into clarity and focus. Because deep within, you know what to do with your career. You just might not remember right now or don’t trust yourself that what you know is true for you.

For whom is Career Clarity Coaching?

A Career Clarity Coaching session works best for executive, managers, and (creative) professionals who basically understand that they are in the driver’s seat of their careers but feel either “stuck” in a specific situation or torn between options. What you need here is a new focus, and focus comes through clarity. This is what you will gain in the session.


  • Clarity, and a new focus on what you desire in your career and what works best for you
  • Have discernment about your ideas of your ideal career and what others think you should be doing
  • Greater ability to align with your choices and take the necessary action steps
  • More, ease and less distraction in your life and career
  • Better time management through more clarity
  • More productive workflows
  • More satisfaction and happiness 

Booking and Fee

A single career clarity session costs 185 EUR (plus VAT). If your topic is too complex for one session, you can also choose a bundle of 5 sessions for 870 EUR (plus VAT. If you need a longer period of coaching, please reach out with your needs here.

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You can book and schedule your session via the contact form here. Also, know that this kind of service is tax-deductible in many countries. Please check with your local tax advisor for more information.